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The Certificate of Undergraduate Study (CUGS) is offered to students with majors in the entire general population other than those offered by the Computer Science department. CUGS are designed to increase a student’s marketability by enhancing their skill set and showing potential employers that you are tech-savvy, knowledgeable, and up-to-date on emerging technologies and trends. Currently, we offer CUGS in the following topics:

  • Blockchain Technologies and Cryptocurrencies
  • Computer Programming
  • Cybersecurity
  • Fundamental Computing
  • Mobile Applications Development

More information on these CUGS is available below:

Fundamental Computing

Targeted population: students with majors in the entire general university population other than those offered by the Computer Science department.

No previous experience or knowledge of computing technologies is required.

Purpose:  to increase student marketability while helping to contend with and meet the challenges of students' current and future careers by providing a broad overview of key computing skills which are applicable to almost every industry in the world today

Educational Goals:  to gain exposure to and a general understanding of the diverse areas/domains to which computing can supplement a student's individual discipline and field:

  • Programming
  • Mobile Applications
  • Applied Computing Technologies
  • Network and Security

More information: program details

Computer Programming

Targeted population: students with majors in the entire general university population other than those offered by the Computer Science department with a keen interest and acumen in programming.

Must have strong analytical and logical skills.

Purpose:  to increase student marketability by enhancing their technical skill set – specifically focused programming proficiencies. These proficiencies may be easily applied to each student’s major disciplines and be beneficial when working in their specified fields

Educational Goals:  to enable students to undertake a comprehensive study of the concepts and techniques necessary to analyze problems, understand requirements, develop algorithms and implement solutions using computer programming. Another goal is to gain experience with the entire programming life-cycle utilizing various programming languages.

More information: program details

Mobile App Development

Targeted population: students in any major including those offered by the department of Computer Science with an interest in the emerging technology of mobile applications.

Must have strong analytical and logical skills.

Purpose:  to provide students with experience with the stages of mobile application development (i.e. user interface design, permissions and security, graphics and video resources) with varying languages and frameworks on a selected mobile platform.

Educational Goals:  to provide students with experience with the stages of mobile application development (i.e. user interface design, permissions and security, graphics and video resources) with varying languages and frameworks on a selected mobile platform.

More information: program details


Targeted population:  Students with majors in the entire general university population (other than those offered by the Computer Science department) with a keen interest in Cyber-Security.

Must have strong analytical and logical skills.

Purpose:  The increasing volume and sophistication of cyber security threats - including targeted phishing scams, data theft, and other online vulnerabilities - demand that we remain vigilant about securing our systems and information. More and more companies actively seek graduates with the expertise in cyber security and bemoan the scarcity of graduates with these key skills.

Educational Goals:  to develop graduates with a technical foundation in cyber security focused on the protection and defense of computer systems. Students will be able to articulate the core concepts of information assurance, asset protection, and cyber defense. Also, this CUGS can develop graduates who are able to identify, analyze, and remediate security breaches.

More information: program details

Blockchain Technologies and Cryptocurrencies

Targeted population:  Students with majors in the entire general university population other than those offered by the Computer Science department.

No previous experience or knowledge of Blockchain technologies is required

Purpose:  to offer students the opportunity of a specialized study with the skills required to develop software applications in the domain of blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies.

Educational Goals:  to provide students with experience with basic programming (e.g., Python), cryptographic techniques used in blockchain technologies, blockchain programming, and the applications of blockchain.

More information: program details

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