Computer Technology Programs


Computer Technology Programs

Rowan Unviersity has a large array of majors for students to pick, but how does someone know which is the right one for them? The information below allows students to differentiate what major is best suited for them to follow at Rowan University.

B.S. in Management Information Systems

Do you have an interest in technology and business?

If you want to learn about different aspects of an organization and how information and technology solve business problems, overcome challenges, and maximize opportunities, then this major is right for you.

B.A. in Computer Systems Technology

Do you want to fully customize your degree?

Do you want to cater your degree to help you get tech certifications?

Do you want to specialize in information technologies?

Then CST is right for you! You will get to 'peice' together your degree from a collection of CUGS.
B.A. in Computing and Informatics

How do you combine computing within a specialized area of study or an inter-disciplinary field without having so much math and Computer Science theory?  

Use computing technologies to help with WHAT to solve and less on the HOW and WHY!
B.S. in Computer Science

Are you good at problem solving, logic and math?

Can you envision using a computer as the ultimate tool in making people's lives and jobs easier?

Do you enjoy keeping up with technology in today's modern world?

That's Computer Science ...
B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Were math and science your favorite high school subjects?

Do you like to build computers or other sorts of things?

Do you want to learn how <fill in your interest here> works?

Then the ECE major might be right for you, though there is no “one-size- fits-all” ECE student profile.

Check these boxes to compare aspects of these degrees.

  • About the Program   
  • Area of Focus   
  • Role of Computers   
  • Typical Coursework   
  • Career Opportunities

B.S. in MIS


B.A. in C&I

B.S. in CS

B.S. in ECE